Question: What's recursive hypocricy?
Answer: The hypocrite calling the kettle black.
[At least I can make myself laugh...Hiser bringing new dimensions to the 3rd-degree mixed-metaphor]
After the community worked so hard on identifying standards contradictions in the new Microsoft XML file format in January, Microsoft wants to give IBM all the credit. There'll be no justice.
Nice round-up by Walt Hucks ("the Hux-ter")
"Teacher, Those IBM Meanies are Hurting Me"
Stephen Walli is embarassed for his old firm...
"Microsoft Whining for Sympathy"
J. Matusow
"Doc Format Activities..."
Craig Kittering
[Craig is just a spear-carrier and too insignificant to link]
J. Paoli & T. Robertson
"Open [Whining] Letter (to all Governments)"
Sun's current CEO, Jonathan Schwartz, is the latest convert to belief in the beauty of ODF. His company spawned it but until now -- when he can sell servers, or at least open conversations about selling servers (they're not so good at closing, those Sunnies aren't) -- you never heard a pleasant word from TheSchwartzMan about OpenOffice or ODF. It's nice timing, putting JS just a cut below Microsoft's current CEO, Steve Ballmer, on the Scale of Ineptitude. (Shield mine eyes from the PonyTail.)
Conclusion: ISO-Gate continues to take its pound of flesh. We'll know how much on or soon after Feb 28th when all the National Bodies' objections are processed by the ISO JTC 1.
How do I know that it's even worse than you think? Because the ODF Twilight Bark -- from South America this time -- tells us that Microsoft is going into federal government agencies and saying, "Let us help you with your interoperability problem." This is a dramatic change of content & tone from "You'll buy fifty-thousand!"
Keep your eyes peeled for the only vendor-neutral XML document interoperability solution: the OpenDocument Foundation's ODF Plugin for MS Office.
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