One reason people are getting the ODF v ODf story incorrect is because it is assumed that the Foundation was dissing the format to benefit Microsoft and OOXML. This is a tabloid-esque assertion that is widely grasped by the Open Source Chorus out of convenience (in a complex matter) and is being promoted by Microsoft mistress of propaganda, Mary Jo Foley herself, with the help of Rick "Petroleum" Jelliffe -- whose contributed picture gilds the lilly of her article. Mary? ... being run by Microsoft? ... NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!
The assertion is similar in credibility to the National Inquirer headline: "Aliens Land on Whitehouse Lawn" (inset: picture of the Presidential helicopter, Marine One, with Al Gonzales disembarking).
I'm not going to talk about ODF because that makes me unproductive going forward; we've stopped developing on ODF and time spent on that is time not spent on moving our ideas and our businesses forward.
If you're interested in what happened to ODF and why it's not the Once & Future Format, read the Burton Group's Peter O'Kelly, who has a bit of a teaser and promises further coverage.
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