David Pogue reviews the new T-Mobile Shadow today in The New York Times' Circuits section.
"Looks Good, Feels Good, but Wait..."
Frankly, Windows Mobile 6 is a mess. Common features require an infinitude of taps and clicks, and the ones you need most are buried in menus. Apparently the Windows Mobile 6 team learned absolutely nothing from Windows Mobile 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
He goes on to catalog a long list of phone software interface design faux pas which could only be possible from a desktop computer company trying to extend its branded metaphors from its home environment, the PC, to the smartphone platform. Trust me, it's a different kind of platform.
I've been testing -- or preparing to test -- a BlackJack with Windows Mobile 5 and quite honestly I can't even get up the appetite to configure it. Using the Samsung Blackjack -- as nice looking and nice feeling this hardware is -- the thought of using a BlackBerry wannabe that's only raison d'etre is to embrace & extend the RIM market position and extend Microsoft-only interop into the mobile sphere makes me feel dirty.
If, after Windows Mobile 5, they are still trying to shoe-horn Windows' hierarchical menu structures into Windows Mobile 6, then Microsoft's mobile personnel need a refresh.
you're on crack.. you need to learn how to use this software
Posted by: sam | November 22, 2007 at 07:04 AM