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John Gøtze

A member of Parliament has posed a formal question (so-called $20-question) about what the minister of science thinks about what's happened in Sweden, and whether he has seen anything the like in Denmark.


As such, there is no "political intervention" in the process.

The ministry is represented by the National IT and Telecom Agency in the Danish Standards committee, but as an observer.

The Danish vote will be announced on Monday. The information published is that the committee has a made a unanimous decision about a number of comments, and authorised Danish Standards to send over these to ISO. As I understand it, the vote itself is decided by Danish Standards. Assuming they listen to the committe, the vote would be "one with comments" (i.e., not unconditional Yes, nor Abstain). We'll see on Monday ...

John Gøtze

Didn't have to wait until monday:

Denmark Says No With Comments


The link to Groklaw's article is broken, there's an "h" missing in "h"ttp.

Thanks for the entry and the information

Stephen ( controlling minds of others )

Yes these politicians, you guys must see what the ANC are up to in SA. Crime is through the roof and the government doesn't care. All the ANC is interested is lining their pockets.

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