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Gary Edwards

Good stuff Sam. Let me point your audience to two interesting articles describing Microsoft's "Interoperability by Design" method, where the MSOffice bound desktop is integrated (tied) into the Exchange/SharePoint Hub, with SharePoint then tying into the MS Dynamics CRM-ERP suite of server side services and applications:

Microsoft Readies Updated ERP Apps And 'CRM Live'


As every server side vendor knows, integration with the MSOffice bound desktop is a primary concern for customers. Previously, competing vendors such as BEA, IBM, SAP, Oracle, Sun and Red Hat shared equally the problem of piss poor integration with the ubiquitous MSOffice desktop.

Sun tried to break out of the cycle with an integration competitive advantage based on their 2004 settlement (er, surrender)with Microsoft.

Not much came of that agreement in terms of solving the customers problem of integrating server systems with MSOffice bound desktops. Lots, of cash changed hands, but nothing in the way of an "integration" advantage.

Still, that didn't stop Novel from seeking a similar deal with Microsoft. Early results of this effort shout loudly that it's more of the same. Lots of cash and no "integration" advantage. Microsoft is skating victory laps, waving high the Stanley Cup of Interoperability, while the rest of us are left looking at the hapless Novel MOOX Translator Plugin for OpenOffice wondering how to get it to do something , useful or not.

The problem of integrating MSOffice bound desktops to server side systems is being solved by the one company in a position to solve it. Microsoft is positioning the MSOffice desktop as rich client end user interface into Microsoft server side systems. The infromaiton processing chain they have been very successful at pushing into the marketplace is based on the integration of MSOffice to the Exchange/SharePoint Hub. Now they are extending that Hub to tie into MS SQL Server, MS Dynamics and MS Live.

A couple things here need mentioning.

The MS Stack integration model has at it's core an entanglement of .NET, XAML, and MOOX (Microsoft OfficeOpenXML). It's what every application in the MS Stack shares.

The other point is that traditional server side providers can't touch this level of integration. The competitive landscape is about to change dramatically.

Lots of server side vendors have been sitting on the ODF sidelines, not knowing what it's all about. IBM, Oracle, Sun and Novell are deep into ODF, but it's not clear to their competitors why. I would argue that they are watching the emerging Microsoft Stack. A stack of desktop to server to device to Internet services that rides the interconnecting core of .NET, XAML and MOOX.



[Sam]: "Get a desktop that is invulnerable to single-vendor leverage.
Good advice, indeed, and now is the time to recognize and take such steps as you outline here. The "next guy" in the company IT department will suffer exponentially being subject to vendor control. I've seen the best people quit over this very problem because it renders them helpless and makes them look incompetent.

When the cries come out: "Do something fool, we're dying on the client level!" The CIO has to respond: "We can't, our hands are tied; it's a [Microsoft] problem. We have no control." Meanwhile, there's not enough money in any budget to unfuk the situation.

Wesley Parish

In relation to Gary Edwards' comments, Microsoft is making precisely the same sort of mistake that the vendors were making in the seventies and eighties - building a silo in which to keep their customers.

As you might expect, customers don't like being kept in a silo, so when they got the opportunity, they busted out.

Intelligence is the ability to judge conditions and alter behaviour to exploit changes - even highly negative conditions - it's why humans are everywhere on this blessed planet. Does anyone believe that Microsoft has any claim to be considered an oasis of intelligence, now? Chewing holes in one's boat is the behaviour of rats, not intelligent beings.

Miss Issippi

Those are some great tips and steps but I can never leave windows and especially not office. I love it and they own me.

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Sam Hiser




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