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Another interesting option coming soon is the Chandler (PIM) and Cosmo (WebDav server) currently being developed by Mitch Kapor's Open Source Applications Foundation: http://chandler.osafoundation.org/

With many years of thought behind this, it will introduce some changes to the email and PIM paradigm that just might "revolutionize" the business...


Where I work, I talked myself blue in the face trying to convince the IS manager of the same thing as regards our database system (migrating to Microsoft stack, top to bottom). To no avail. The only high point of the situation? I'm still here and he isn't. I think that's progress.


Wesley Parish

That isn't news. Tom Adelstein in one of his LXer articles said much the same thing, and he said it several years before Mary Jo Foley realized it.

Unfortunately, his software wasn't taken up - I've got a copy of it sitting somewhere on my HD - but it's good to see that companies are finally waking up to the strategic importance of the communications channels.

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