From the Economist...
A recipe for Great-Grandma's suet pudding comes back to life in a small town in Upstate New York.
Like autumn, the upstate often seems to be looking back to some sunnier time. Pick any of the little towns scattered like pebbles along the frozen banks of the Erie canal, and chances are you will find yourself in Norman Rockwell's America. There is the town square with its white-columned city hall, its Civil War monument (now updated through at least Korea) and its bandstand. Nearby is the post office, the library (probably), and churches, lots by European standards.
(Many people think of New York as The City -- Gotham City -- and are surprised to learn that the State of New York extends all the way up north to Canada and contains two -- two -- unique & wonderful mountain ranges at the head of the grand Appalachian Range -- the Catskills and the Adirondacks -- as well as the Finger Lakes, the St. Lawrence Seaway and a few of the Seven Wonders of the World in their time, the Erie Canal and the Brooklyn Bridge.)