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Wesley Parish

I'd say Microsoft's building up their Loss account to balance their substantial Asset and Profit accounts.

You know, in the Technology Review article "Titans Talk Tech : Bill G. and Michael D.
Michael Dertouzos and Bill Gates ponder open-source software and the future of the computing industry." which has mysteriously disappeared from both MIT Technology web site and the LCS site once I had the audacity to quote Gates where the dropping price of computer hardware and Microsoft's maintenance of high software prices, made his statement: "With the high-volume, low-cost model adopted by Microsoft and the PC software industry, such costs are spread widely, so consumers pay a very low price to benefit from billions of dollars of R&D." refer to some/any other company besides Microsoft.

I expect these anti-piracy features to start to feature prominently in this though: Gates, Aforementioned discusion: "The key is in value and utility--if consumers get both, they will be willing to pay for them[...]"

The anti-piracy software add-ons serve to reduce the utility to the end-user and developer, and as such, it reduces the value.

And as the latest installment in the arms race between control freaks and their opponents, I expect it won't last impregnable and well-secured for very long - MS WinXP's misfeatures didn't.

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