Bob Sutor points out that the number of Firefox downloads is over 150 million. From his cue, I've added the live counter to my NavBar ----->
That's a pleasant surprise because the hype-detecting moj-O-meter has been quiet -- probably the best strategy for Global Domination & Elimination of Bad Software.
The news dovetails interestingly with the news this past January from the XiTi study (in French) which indicates Firefox then had an average of 20% share of market across the countries of Europe and about a 16% share in the US & Canada.
North America, 15.88%
Latin America (incl Mexico), 5.79%
Europe, 20.10%
Asia (incl Russia), 8.81%
Africa, 9.41%
Oceania, 18.60%
I'm guessing that the wide variations across different countries are due to the different commitment in each country to websites that are designed with IE-only HTML or forms characteristics -- bad, nauty HTML.
This too shall pass.