As if to prove that technology is really a social phenomenon, the Little Green Laptop project's founder says the work is a matter of education rather than technology, per se.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab Professor, Nicholas Negroponte, says this about his Hundred-Dollar laptop that's being targeted for emerging societies,
"Every single problem you can think of, poverty, peace, the environment, is solved with education or including education … so it is an education project, not a laptop project."
Pedants, pundits & Philistines will complain that the Little Green Laptop and Internet access will provide a corrupting influence for children as well as their elders in developing areas, exposing them to Western culture's advertising, pornography, flashing colored banners, and tempting consumer items they can ill afford.
Fuck that!
Phoney guilt is easy on the back if, on the other hand, the Internet also brings these kids literature, language, writing practise, small-business capabilities, community, mythology, history, tastefully colored banners as well as identity, confidence & hope.
Mr Hiser-
Perhaps you would prefer not use foul language? I one time used to enjoy this area and now imust re consider.
Posted by: GP Bazzini | December 22, 2005 at 01:08 PM
Call Interpol, I can use the publicity.
Posted by: Sam | December 22, 2005 at 05:25 PM